Be the best athlete, Always and everywhere • 2023 © SOCIAL TRAINING CLUB

The academy

We are STC Academy.  A Calisthenics training academy with the intention of elevating everyone around us. Some see us as a cult, some see us as a community. Our aim is to give people the right tools and knowledge to be a better version of themselves always and everywhere. We’re known for pushing our members to be better and stronger with the weeks. Allowing them to live in the space between comfort and achievement - we collectively live in the growth zone.


Our coaches keep an eye on everything so that everyone makes the right progress with the desired Social Training Club form. Conditioning, skills and push ‘n pull muscle building workout classes for men and women. We only have limited spaces available, make sure you get a spot and sign up on the form below.


Artistic Training

Learn impressive skills that are rewarding for the mind, body and soul. Learning these skills are not only fun but also a very good carry over for strength and body awareness. The body is capable of doing so much and it is a sin to not discover. Learn the fundamentals for skills such as: handstand, muscle up, front lever, back lever and planche.

In addition to that we’ll also cover weighted calisthenics where we’ll work on bringing up those numbers for absolute strength.

These sessions are for those who want to focus, learn and accept the hussle they need to put in, in order to master their own body weight.

Skills – Informative – Team based – Partner work

Strength and endurance

Pure calisthenics bodyweight reps and sets conditioning classes with artistic bar sets. We search for our limits so we can then push through them. Together with your training partners you will understand the importance of the basics. dips, pull ups and pushups in all kinds of ways to break down the ego but to build confidence. When we feel strong and confident everything else in training and life gets easier. With 3 or 4 rounds of push and pull supersets we make sure you leave the arena pumped and ready to face anything.

Functional Training – Push and Pull – Team based training – cardio vascular muscle building

Training principles

If you don’t want to feel limited by just handing over to barbells and machines, the push and pull lifestyle Including reps and sets for days combined with Olympic lifting for absolute strength is for you. This gives you every opportunity to get the best out of yourself and to be an all-round hybrid athlete.

In order to get the maximum out of your training, you simply need to apply the training principles. At Social Training Club we will help you understand the principles of mindset, training and nutrition. Everything we do or teach is examined, performed or scientifically substantiated.

Mindset – Training – Nutrition

Our team

Meet your trainers


Lucas is the owner and creator of the community and has been trained by worldwide renowned coaches to pass on the knowledge to the community. If you like a mix of different styles, then Lucas is what you are looking for. Lucas creates a way of training in which powerlifting, fitness and calisthenics work together in harmony. Heavy lifting, explosive power and hypertrophy are the building blocks of your training.


With 15 years of experience, Jason is one of the founders of calisthenics in The Netherlands. Jason is known for his remarkable skills and shows at major events in addition to the studio. He has chosen the vegan path for a number of years. So if you prefer to leave your piece of meat out of your plate, Jason can guide and support you in your animal-free lifestyle and nutrition choices.


Calisthenics champion Juan is a heavyweight London based athlete who is specialized in planche, handstand and many other skills for whoever wants to bring their training to the next level.


Without a solid foundation, you will have trouble creating anything of value. Burak will help you understand this concept. Calisthenics basics for ultimate strength and functional fitness are the building block for artistic functional training. He will help you understand the important exercises such as pull ups, dips and push ups in order to progress to the advanced classes. With his body built like a gladiator, he has proven to have knowledge about the philosophy to become stronger, faster and fitter as an athlete.


It's good to have a good teacher but it's better to have a good student. Our coach Glenn is the perfect example of a perfect student who turned coach and became an inspirational athlete in no time. With his expertise in physiological aspects, nutrition and fitness, Glenn is the ultimate coach for anyone who wants to take their training and health to the next level. We will send Glenn to war in upcoming calisthenics competitions to take prizes for our community and if it is your goal to do the same look no further.

The Academy - The Academy - The Academy - The Academy -

Need training equipment?

Our shop contains all training essentials and everything you need to take your trainings to the next level:

Professional equipment

Supplements, vitamins, shakes

Clothing and merch


Everything you need to know about The Academy and our courses. If you still have questions you can always contact us.

What is Social Training Club Academy?

We are a Community where like-minded individuals share their passion for training and personal growth. Our aim is to create and inspire a community which shares their experiences in becoming the best version of themselves.

Will I be ok if I'm a beginner or not used to calisthenics?

That is not a problem at all. We offer beginner and advanced classes to support everyone at their own level. You can count on a lot of support from the group, even if you join the more advanced classes. We all started somewhere and that's why everyone will help you get where you want to be.

It looks pretty intense, am I ready?

As long as your mind is, you are! Just bring the right energy and motivation and you will be part of the group as soon as you step in the chamber. Our programming is designed in a way where you can start as light as you want and build progressively in a safe and supported way. To make the most of your first class, we recommend arriving 15 minutes early so we can explain the workout and introduce you to the exercises we are going to do.

Do I need to be able to do some pull ups already?

NO. That's why you are joining our training community. We have a range of different resistant level bands to help you get there & specialized coaches to help you along the way with different progressions and exercises.

How often should I go?

We recommend at least one session per week in order to understand the basic principles we teach. If you're committed to seeing real quick changes, we advise you to get the three sessions in. In terms of rest and recovery, take as much time as needed. If that means you can only join 2 sessions that week then just do 2 sessions.

How long until I can see results?

Our members see results within the first weeks. You will notice more strength and power and the more serious you are about the training the faster it goes. Many members unlocked their first free standing handstand in a couple of weeks and their first muscle up too! But you will notice a psychological change almost immediately. You will feel more confident in your training and supported by a big community.

Mandemakersstraat 122, 3194 DG Hoogvliet Rotterdam
2023 © Social Training Club. All rights reserved.